
  • 寒假很快就要到来,今天小编要给大家介绍的便是关于寒假英语日记,欢迎阅读!关于寒假英语日记1The winter vacation I had dreamed all year around was finally coming. And I...

  • 清明节来临的前一天,全校师生参加了一项非常有意义的活动——去烈士陵园扫墓,同学们穿着整齐的校服,戴着鲜红的红领巾,每人手捧一朵精心自制的小白花,神态庄严地列队在高高的纪念碑下,在雄壮的国歌声中,听老红军爷爷讲述当年红...

  • 1.the four unique features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hotsprings “四绝”:巧石、奇松、云海、温泉2. The...

  • 【篇一】Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good s...

  • 你有写英语日记的习惯吗,英语日记也是帮你提高英语成绩的一种方法,接下来小编搜集了小学生英语日记8则,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。篇一:小学生英语日记I'm very happy today for I had the chance...

  • 每年的十月一日是一年一度的国庆节,是我们伟大祖国母亲的生日。下面小编为大家带来了国庆节的英语日记,一起来看看吧。篇1:国庆节英语日记80词On October 1, I did not go out as usual. Since it w...

  • 寒假英语日记(1)A winter day, after lunch, I have been eagerly urged grandma hurry to call the neighbors who will make zongzi,...

  • 寒假是我们学生最喜欢的假期之一,在寒假可以自由安排时间。下面小编带来的是寒假英语小学生日记,希望对你有帮助。寒假英语小学生日记1Is the beginning of the eight month, the weather suddenl...

  • On Nov. 11, is one of the single alternative holiday, because the date of the day there were four consecutive "one&...

  • Today is the first day I stay at Zhejiang University.I’m happy and excited.In the morning,I got up early.I felt fr...

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